
In a group (adults, schools ...)

Learn more about our practical information

Group rate

Educational booklets

Group rates

Minimum of 15 visitors

Adults (+ 18 years old): € 8.00

Teenagers (12-18 years old): € 7.00

Children (5-12 years old): € 6.00

To prepare your visit, thank you for booking in advance. We need to know the date, time and number of people. You can book on phone or with e-mails. Quotations are available on demand. You can either pay on the premises or later with bank transfer.

Educational booklet

You can download it for your classes. If you want to use it during your visit, you have to print it in advance in your school.

The little extras

Possibility to visit the contemporary art museum at the Sainte-Croix museum

Green space aroud the museum to picnic (beach at 200 m)

Big parking next to the museum for bus 
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